What do you get up to in the week?
My role is to help us as a church to love deeply, by welcoming people and helping to connect newcomers into the life of our church, and to look after one another at every point along the way. I also help to develop leadership pathways for the women in our church, to help ensure that they are equipped and freed up to serve well.

Family, kids, pets?
I live by myself and don’t have any pets, but do try and keep some plants alive. I’m thankful that my Mum lives locally now, and my brother, sister-in-law and niece are not far away either!

Likes and dislikes about Gladesville and Putney?
Gladesville is a great place to get outside and walk or run – I love exploring the river and local parks. I’m a sucker for a view – it’s so good being able to see the city from my rooftop BBQ. I like that there are yummy places to eat GF food and drink good coffee. I don’t love how far away Gladesville is from the nearest beach!

Brief testimony
I knew nothing about Jesus until hearing about Him at Beach Mission from a very young age, where I came to understand that these people on team were very different to me because they knew and trusted a great big God who had given His son so that we could have forgiveness and life in His name. At age 11 I prayed and admitted I was a sinner, thanked God for sending Jesus to forgive me, and asked Him to make him Lord of my life. The rest of my life has been allowing the Spirit to keep working in me to make that happen!