What do you get up to in the week?
I lead the staff team and oversee all the ministry that goes on at Christ Church. If you come along on a Sunday, more often than not, you’ll hear me preaching at the gathering that day.

Family, kids, pets?
I am married to Amanda and have four sons.

Likes and dislikes about Gladesville and Putney?
As a third generation local I love our part of Sydney!  The river, the closeness to the city, the abundance of sporting fields, the wonderful people… it’s a great place to live.  It’s also exciting to see so many new people move into our area.

Dislikes: Peak hour traffic and the fact that we shouldn’t eat fish from the river!

Brief testimony
I grew up in a Christian family and so had the great blessing of being told about Jesus from an early age. As a teenager I tested whether I could really believe what I had heard. The more I tested it the more convinced I became that Jesus really did rise from the dead and that I really needed the forgiveness that he brings.