Estate Planning

Leaving Bequests

Leaving a bequest to Christ Church Gladesville is a great way to impact the spread of the gospel and have a lasting effect on many of the ministries we do.

What to Include in Your Will

When making a gift in your will it is important to use the correct legal terminology, therefore you should consult a solicitor to draft your will to ensure that all your wishes are taken into account.

You can make provisions in your will to leave the whole or residue of your estate, or give a percentage of your estate or specific amount of money.

Whichever option you decide, you should include words such as “I give the sum of $X to the Anglican Parish of Christ Church Gladesville (ABN 58 047 591 975) for its general purpose, free of all duties, and the receipt of the Treasurer for the time being of the church, will be sufficient discharge for my executor or trustee”.