PTC units are a great way to deepen your knowledge and understanding of God’s word.
In term 3 at Christ Church Gladesville we are running a New Testament 1: Pentateuch study group.
Pentateuch (Old Testament 1) covers the first five books of the Old Testament, examining some of the foundational events in the Bible such as creation, the fall, the promises to Abraham, exodus from Egypt and the giving of the Law. The great themes of sin, covenant, redemption, sacrifice and blessing all emerge from this examination and the subject shows how these point forward to the work of Christ.
The group will run by Ian Mears.
When: Monday nights in term 3 starting 29th July, 7:30pm
Where: Christ Church Gladesville
Register: Please register for our group by Monday 22nd July by clicking the button above
Cost: $50 (when registering through Moore College & includes online exam) + $27 if you’d like printed course materials